Here are the steps to get started with deployd. (On windows). And it also covers how to over come some startup issues. Prerequisite: NodeJS (must) MongoDB (must ) 1. Install Deployd Command line (dpd-cli ) first. > npm install dpd-cli -g 2. Follow the below from your 'WORKSPACE' folder. Don't create a folder yet. Below command will create a project folder , basic project files and all dependencies in the node_modules folder. So, it will take few minutes (to install all dependencies) >dpd create your-project-name 3. Then follow if you are greeted with some errors as shown below. c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial>dpd create tute- 1 dpd is installing the dependencies... please be patient ( this may take a few minutes) to start your app: $ cd tute- 1 $ dpd c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial>cd tute- 1 c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial\tute- 1 >dpd deployd CLI version 2.0 . 2 starting deployd Failed to start MongoDB (Make su...
- All about Deployd rapid REST API NodeJs opensource framework