Here are the steps to get started with deployd. (On windows).
And it also covers how to over come some startup issues.
1. Install Deployd Command line (dpd-cli ) first.
Below command will create a project folder , basic project files and all dependencies in the node_modules folder.
So, it will take few minutes (to install all dependencies)
3. Then follow if you are greeted with some errors as shown below.
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial\tute-1>dpd -h
4. Once you run >dpd , the server starts at localhost:2403 by default.
If you're new to Deployd, have a look at the Getting Started Guide or Hello World Tutorial.
5. But... not ready yet
This simple install is mostly for the production -purpose. But need to start developing your APIs. To do that you need 'dpd-dashboard' and that package has a dependency for 'dpd-clientlib' - you need these to easily create 'REST APIs'. We will see that in the next topic.
And it also covers how to over come some startup issues.
- NodeJS (must)
- MongoDB (must )
1. Install Deployd Command line (dpd-cli ) first.
> npm install dpd-cli -g2. Follow the below from your 'WORKSPACE' folder. Don't create a folder yet.
Below command will create a project folder , basic project files and all dependencies in the node_modules folder.
So, it will take few minutes (to install all dependencies)
>dpd create your-project-name
3. Then follow if you are greeted with some errors as shown below.
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial>dpd create tute-1
dpd is installing the dependencies... please be patient (this may take a few minutes)
to start your app:
$ cd tute-1
$ dpd
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial>cd tute-1
deployd CLI version 2.0.2
starting deployd
Failed to start MongoDB (Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref:
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial\tute-1>dpd --mongod "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe"
deployd CLI version 2.0.2
starting deployd
Failed to start MongoDB (Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref:
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial\tute-1>dpd -h
Usage: dpd [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-m, --mongod [path] path to mongod executable (defaults to `mongod`)
-p, --port [port] port to host server (defaults to 2403)
-w, --wait wait for input before exiting
-d, --dashboard start the dashboard immediately
-o, --open open in a browser
-e, --environment [env] defaults to development
-H, --host [host] specify host for mongo server
-P, --mongoPort [mongoPort] mongodb port to connect to
-n, --dbname [dbname] name of the mongo database
-a, --auth <auth> usesrname:password mongo server credentials
-u, --username <username> The user to authenticate as
-s, --password <password> The user's password
-c, --dbconn <dbconnectionstring> The MongoDB Connection String
--deploydPath [deploydPath] allow overriding the path to deployd main script
-h, --help output usage information
create [project-name] create a project in a new directory
eg. `dpd create my-app`
keygen generate a key for remote access (./.dpd/keys.json)
showkey shows current key for connecting to remote dashboard (./.dpd/keys.json)
* [default] start the server in the current project in development mode
with an interactive shell/repl for interacting with the running server
e.g. dpd (starts server in current directory),
dpd my-app/app.dpd (starts app from file)
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial\tute-1>dpd -m "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe"
deployd CLI version 2.0.2
starting deployd
Failed to start MongoDB (Make sure 'mongod' are in your $PATH or use dpd --mongod option. Ref:
c:\\Deployd\dpd_tutorial\tute-1>dpd -m "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin\mongod.exe"
deployd CLI version 2.0.2
starting deployd
ls: no such file or directory: c:/Deployd/dpd_tutorial/tute-1/resources/**/config.json
listening on port 2403
type help for a list of commands
dpd >
(To exit, press ^C again or type .exit)
dpd >
4. Once you run >dpd , the server starts at localhost:2403 by default.
Browse to : localhost:2403You will see this blow page loaded. You are successfully started with Deplyd!.
Welcome to Deployd!
You've just created a Deployd app. You can add front-end files in thepublic
folder.If you're new to Deployd, have a look at the Getting Started Guide or Hello World Tutorial.
5. But... not ready yet
This simple install is mostly for the production -purpose. But need to start developing your APIs. To do that you need 'dpd-dashboard' and that package has a dependency for 'dpd-clientlib' - you need these to easily create 'REST APIs'. We will see that in the next topic.
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